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What people are saying

We have worked tirelessly to make sure that we make a difference in the lives of those in our community.   Whether you have won a monthly drawing or if you have received one of the many gift cards we have handed out, we hope that it has brightened your day and made you smile.  If you have received a gift from the Kindness Experiment, we want to know!  Please email us and share your story with us.  Email us at:

This is what others are saying about the Kindness Experiment: 

"I was sitting in my workspace plugging away,

lost in my thoughts and busyness, when I

became aware of movement out of the corner

of my eye.  An envelope with a smiley face was

sliding its way across the table toward me. 

I looked up in time to see a woman walking

away from me.  I opened the envelope to find a

gift card and note of encouragement and

was pleasantly surprised and energized.  Stephanie

and the Kindness Experiment injected joy and

kindness into my day and my work and changed

the trajectory of my day!"

Dave, Pittsburgh, PA

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"The Kindness Experiment is an amazing

way to uplift and encourage others. My

7 year old was recognized by her school

for the kindness award. In return the

Kindness Experiment became aware

and my daughter’s name was added to

the monthly drawing. When we were

the winner that month, I was sent a

message asking me what Lucy liked.

She LOVES bears! Especially polar

bears. When Lucy received the package

in the mail just a few days later she was

so excited to see what was in the box. Lucy has made “Bella” part of her family and Carries it around with her other two WELL loved stuffies! I’m pretty sure Bella will looked well loved soon as well! 

Thank you again for making a little girl so happy and encouraging positive rewards for just being kind! Now days, especially in school a little kindness goes a LONG way!"

Michelle & Lucy (and Bella), Pittsburgh, PA

"Every morning, I look forward to seeing Stephanie in the common space of our office complex. We’re both early arrivers, though she’s always more cheerful than I am at that hour. So, it wasn’t really surprising that she handed me a small envelope with a gift card and a lovely little note. Turns out the note was the greater gift, because it introduced me to the Kindness Experiment.


As I walked home that night, I saw one of my 

local acquaintances who lacks housing, health

care, even minimal work, and sometimes enough

to eat. So, I gave him the gift card, described the

Kindness Experiment, and let him know I had

complete faith he would do something kind

for someone who would come across his path.

And so, Stephanie’s gift became mine, and

then P’s, and I trust will roll forward.


In investing there’s a concept called “asymmetrical opportunities”. Basically, “Heads, I win a lot. Tails, I lose very little.” You may be thinking, “What can my little act of kindness do? What’s the ‘return on investment’?” Realistically, maybe not a whole lot. But when your kindness is received, does good, and gets passed on? Well, you just netted huge returns on an investment that took only a good heart, an open mind, and a generous spirit … and a little something that cost you next to nothing. And not just in feeling good about yourself. We’re talking a ripple effect that lands who knows where. It will take a community of experimenters with kindness to achieve this. Please join us."


Chris, Executive Leadership Coach

The Serving Way

Pittsburgh, PA

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